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Are garden subscription boxes worth the money?

Much goes into caring for a garden, no matter the size — so much more than seeds, soil, water, and a little sunlight. A key area of focus for many gardeners is pest protection. We love to eat fresh produce, but unfortunately, so do a lot of little bugs. A possible helpful resource might be a subscription box. These regular deliveries are all the rage and for a good reason. Curated products can save a lot of time and research. For the avid gardener, the appeal in such a service is clear. However, do the benefits outweigh the cost? Let’s take a quick dive into the most commonly-asked questions about pest control methods and if those monthly parcels can aid in cultivating a flourishing Eden of your own.

Woman tending to potted plants indoors

Can you get rid of pests without killing them?

The most effective way to remove pests without killing them is by engaging in protective measures and installing barriers in your garden. A physical barrier could entail mesh or netted material of some kind. The benefit of this method is that sunlight is not restricted in the process. These types of coverings come in all shapes and sizes. They can be installed in the ground or simply draped over your seedlings.

You may also set barriers of a more baited variety. As strange as it may sound, beer is attractive to snails and slugs. Garlic serves as a repellent for many bugs as well. There are some subscription boxes that carry garlic sprays and the like, but for the most part, these types of precautions can be easily acquired for a comparable price at a gardening store. The real selling point of a subscription box is that you can sample many different products to find your favorite.

How do you get rid of pests organically?

Spray bottle being used on garden plants
Andris Tkacenko / Shutterstock

Organic pest control methods carry the perk of minimizing damage to the plants you are trying to protect while driving out undesirables. A very popular method is referred to as insecticidal soap, which is designed to dehydrate soft-bodied insects. The only time-intensive aspect of this is that the bugs must come into direct contact with the solution. So, you must spray your garden thoroughly every few days.

Certain oil sprays can minimize egg production in insects also. Nematodes can be added to soil, which will release a bacteria to target and kill insects. Variations of these organic pest killers can be found in different subscription boxes. Sprays are more common, and many subscription boxes are able to diversify their available ingredients. Most services allow you to specify your preferences when compiling your order, minimizing the hassle of searching through a catalog of potential options.

Which plants deter bugs?

Pauline Jurkevicius / Unsplash

One of the biggest benefits to a subscription box is variety, particularly with plant assortments. There are verifiably thousands of different seeds available through any given package service. Because of this convenience, you can incorporate pest-averting plants into your garden. Several of these are flowers. Marigolds, chrysanthemums, petunias, and lavender are beautiful and functional. Tasty additions are herbs such as mint, basil, bay leaves, and rosemary. Each offers elements of repellent and toxicity to specific pests and insects. It is always a good idea to research the most common pests in your area to select plants best suited to the task. Dry, desert environments will likely have different challenges than a humid, forested area.

Are there organic chemicals that deter pests?

Many people don’t realize that chemical solutions can also be organic. A chemical, after all, is simply a compound. Organic chemicals often used include things like vinegar and lime sulfur. Other oils and acids can be sprayed or added to soil for alternative pest control. Organic pest control can be more or less expensive, usually contingent upon the frequency required when applying. Because subscription boxes are largely customizable, there is the opportunity to incorporate organic elements at the rate and volume needed with ease.

The debate over the worth of gardening subscription boxes can be approached from a number of sides. Most subscription boxes range in price from about $10 to $45 a month and carry a wide range of gardening products, not just pest control. Pest control itself has a range of products nearly as wide as the number of plants you may be trying to protect. Organic products especially are more easily sampled through a subscription service, while comparable products are typically available in your local gardening store. At-home practices can be implemented, but often at the sacrifice of time and energy. Subscription services offer ease and variety as you seek the solution that best fits your gardening habits and practices. Most subscription boxes offer discounted, or even free, boxes the first month. If you are thinking of giving them a try, you may find you will grow to appreciate them.

Use these tips to start a successful indoor vegetable garden this winter
Want to grow veggies indoors? Here's how to do it in winter
A container gardening display

Come fall when the growing season ends, a lot of gardeners will spend the winter prepping and thinking about what they want to grow next spring — all the while lamenting how they miss having fresh veggies and herbs around during the colder months. That doesn't have to be the case, though. You can easily grow some of your favorite veggies indoors, even without a greenhouse.

Although you can't grow everything, and the indoor harvests are often smaller, you’ll be able to have enough that you can still enjoy the feeling of preparing and eating something you grew. What's more, you can even use these tips and tricks to grow fresh veggies year-round if you don't have the outdoor space for a traditional garden!

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How to grow chives from seed in your garden or kitchen so that you always have fresh herbs on hand
growing chives

Wondering how to grow chives from seed? Whether you’re a foodie who prefers fresh herbs for cooking or you're an aspiring gardener who's ready to test your green thumb, chives are a great plant to start your herb garden adventure. Chives are relatively low maintenance and easy to grow. Even better: they have a versatile, light oniony taste that complements soups, dips, roasted veggies, omelets, and more. (Although it might surprise you to learn that they aren't the same thing as green onions!)

Here, we’ll teach you how to grow chives from seed outside in a garden or from the windowsill of your own kitchen.

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Bring your herb garden indoors for the winter to keep your harvest healthy
Herbs on kitchen counter

As the temperature drops, you may notice leaves on your favorite garden herbs dropping as well. Even if you live in the appropriate climate zone for your herbs, they may benefit from going indoors over the winter. If you’re wondering why some herbs should go indoors and how to bring them indoors to ensure their chances of survival, you’re just in luck. Ahead, we’ve rounded up everything you need to know about keeping your herbs healthy once cold weather sets in.

Why bring your herbs indoors
Bringing your herbs indoors will, first and foremost, protect them from freezing temperatures and cold winds. You'll especially want to transport your plants indoors during the winter if they're not perennial to your climate zone. Plants will also go dormant sooner outside and stop pushing out new leaves. Bringing them indoors essentially extends the growing season, so you can enjoy fresh herbs throughout the year if you provide enough light and warmth.
When to bring your herbs indoors
The best time to bring your herbs indoors during late fall or early winter is before the temperatures reach below freezing, so just as they hit the low to mid-30s. The colder it gets, the more likely it is for your plants to experience transplant shock when you bring them inside. Some herbs that can tolerate transplanting well include oregano, thyme, rosemary, and chives.

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