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Now is the perfect time to purchase a leaf blower — here’s why

It’s only May — why are we talking about leaf blowers? Well, since you’ve asked, there are actually several reasons to buy a leaf blower in the summer. If you’re in the market for a leaf blower and are looking for the best cordless leaf blower, we’ve got you covered. Leaf blowers are capable of blowing much more than leaves — even the electric models have more power than you would think these days. If you’re into taking care of your yard and want to do it more efficiently, keep reading to find out which is the best electric leaf blower and why now is the time to buy.

Why now is the time to buy

When most people think about leaf blowers, they think of huge piles of leaves, warm sweaters, and hot cocoa. But a good leaf blower is a tool that you can use year-round and buying one in the Summer months can save you money. Since most people don’t think about buying a leaf blower until their leaves take over their lives, they are the most in-demand and, thus, most expensive in the fall months.

Big box stores and hardware stores will often have the previous year’s stock on sale in the off-season months so they can get rid of it and make room for next year’s models — this a great time to get a deal on a new electric or cordless leaf blower. If you’re looking for even more savings, sometimes stores will sell you the floor model or an open box of an appliance or tool at a discounted rate.

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How to pick a leaf blower

Corded or cordless? Attachments or no attachments? Electric or gas? There are so many options and choices when it comes time to buy that new leaf blower. To figure out which model and opportunities are for you, consider a few things:

Electric or gas

The biggest plus with a gas-powered leaf blower is power. Gas engines produce more power than electric motors, hands down (though electric machines are getting close). The other main advantage is that you can go wherever you want as long as you have fuel, with a gas-powered blower. Electric blowers either run on batteries or have cords and thus, limit your usage either due to the length of the cord or the charge on the battery. The amount of power you need will be related to the size of your yard — if you live in the city, you probably don’t need a professional-grade leaf blower.

Corded or cordless

You may think that we already discussed this above in the electric or gas section, but we haven’t. Obviously, if you know you want or need a gas-powered leaf blower, you can skip this section. But if you want an electric leaf blower and aren’t sure if you should get a cordless, battery-operated model or a corded model. The main point to consider here is space — if you have a huge yard, odds are you don’t have outlets strategically placed all around, so you can use your leaf blower, so you’ll need battery power to cover the entire lot. If you do choose a battery-powered machine, it’s a good idea to get an extra battery or two so you can stock up on power before you use it.

Other uses for leaf blowers

Now that you know what kind of leaf blower you want to buy and that you’re going to get a great deal on it since they’re should be on sale this season, you need to start making a list of things to do with your new toy. If you’ve ever spent time sweeping or hosing off a driveway, you’ll love your new leaf blower and the quick work it makes of grass clippings, small stones, and other debris. Adding blowing off the walkways and driveways after you mow, weed whack, and edge your lawn is a great habit to get into. Having a debris-free walkway will limit the amount of stuff that gets tracked into your house and gives your yard a well-kept look overall.

After all of this talk of leaf blowers and how handy they are year-round, it’s impressive you’re still reading. Get out there and find a deal on the right leaf blower for your needs and put it to use. You won’t regret the investment, we promise.

Kelly Kaliszewski
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Kelly's work has appeared in blogs and on websites. When she's not writing, she is playing with her two dogs, cooking, or…
Start transitioning your vegetable garden for fall now – here’s how
close up of a fallen leaf on frosty grass

Changing seasons often means changing your garden as well. For flower gardens, this might mean uprooting your geraniums and planting some marigold, but what about vegetable gardens? What should you do to best prepare your garden for fall, and why? What are some of the best vegetables to plant that are harvested in fall? We’re here to provide the answers in this simple guide to preparing your vegetable garden for the changing seasons.
Why is it important to prep your garden for fall?
Transitioning your garden for fall helps protect any perennial plants you have from the cold, and it gives you a chance to switch out your crops. Different plants have evolved to react to the changing seasons in different ways. Some plants are sensitive to frost, and transitioning your garden can help them survive until spring. Other plants go dormant or die completely when the weather begins to cool, meaning that they won’t be producing anything for you to harvest. Switching your crops out allows you to continue to produce vegetables throughout the season.

Switching out your plants
There are two main types of crop you can plant when transitioning your garden for fall. You can plant cold-hardy, quick growing vegetables in late summer or early fall for a fall harvest. You can also plant slow growing vegetables to grow throughout fall and lay dormant over winter for an early spring harvest. You can even plant some of both, although gardeners who live in regions with harsh winters may find it more difficult to grow the latter.

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Banish mosquitoes with this citronella plant care guide
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Citronella leaves

Spring and summer are the perfect times for enjoying your outdoor spaces. Whether you’re gathered with friends around a campfire or relaxing on a bench by your flowers, it’s a lovely time to enjoy the warm weather. Mosquitoes make it significantly harder to enjoy.

While there are plenty of sprays, torches, and zappers you can use to keep the mosquitoes at bay, they aren’t always the most pleasant option. Why not try growing your own citronella plant? Citronella oil is one of the most commonly used mosquito repellants, so growing your own plant can make keeping the mosquitoes away easier. Here’s what to know about citronella plant care.
Planting citronella

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