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Used tire planters: Genius upcycling or harmful to your health?

As gardeners, we tend to take self-sufficiency and lowering our carbon footprint very seriously. We compost, recycle, and even grow our own food. It’s only natural that finding a use for tires in the garden would excite us. Now, it seems, we might have been wrong to get too excited too quickly. Is it safe to use tires in edible gardens? Is it worth the risk?

Tire planter

Why are some gardeners using tires?

Americans throw out about 280 million tires a year. They are banned from landfills, and finding a way to legally dispose of them is challenging and expensive. Many companies have found ways to use “crumb” tires for playgrounds or athletic turf. The more ways we find to recycle tires, the fewer tires are burned. When tires are burned, they release toxic chemicals like acetone, arsenic, lead, mercury, benzene (which is a known carcinogen), and more.

This is the crux of this debate and why many gardeners feel passionately about promoting repurposing tires. Recycling tires to be a raised garden bed, for example, allows them to break down over decades and lowers the risks of these chemicals being harmful to the environment. 

tire gardening
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Why are tires potentially harmful?

Still, there are some gardeners who argue that using tires in the garden is not a safe choice. They fear the same problem with the chemicals leaching out into the earth presents itself when you use them as a solution for a raised garden bed. Plant roots have been proven to remove chemicals such as excess lead from a playground in Boston and Magic Marker chemicals from a factory site. Plants like mustard greens and pumpkins were used to remove 45 percent of the toxins.

If those plants were able to soak up the lead and other potentially harmful chemicals, growers can argue that your potatoes and tomatoes could suck up the substances that are slowly released by the tire. Even though those chemicals are released over decades, there’s no evidence of how slow and how much is being released into the soil. With so many unknowns, it’s hard to make the argument that it’s worth the risk. 


When you shouldn’t use tires in gardening

To be on the safe side, it’s probably best practice to avoid using recycled tires in a vegetable garden. The risk of chemicals like rayon, zinc, naphthalene, PAH (another carcinogen), and many more getting leached into the soil and soaked up by your plants is just too high. There have even been studies that showed the death of microorganisms because of the chemicals that decompose off tires. When you’ve killed off the soil, your plants won’t be as healthy and are more susceptible to pests

While there aren’t enough studies or research to prove that used tires as planters for edibles will lead to cancer or other health problems, the risk is too high for most of us feeding our families. 

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When you should use tires in gardening

Of course, just because you might have decided not to use tires in your vegetable garden doesn’t mean that these tires can’t be used in other ways. The tire problem still exists, and any solution we can create to reduce the number of tires that are being burned is a step in the right direction. Using tires in flower beds or as other landscaping solutions is a fantastic way to upcycle them. You could paint them, stack them, or arrange them in fun and unique ways to add depth and interest in places in your garden where you won’t be eating the plants or their fruits. 

When it comes to your garden and your family, the decision is always up to you. What many gardeners love about growing their own food is the power to decide what does and does not go into their plants. Many of us choose to grow our food to avoid the harsh and sometimes nasty chemicals sprayed onto mass-produced products. The irony is that using a tire that leaks chemicals into your plants may reintroduce the problem you were running away from in the first place.

Rebecca Wolken
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Rebecca's has written for Bob Villa and a Cincinnati based remodeling company. When she's not writing about home remodeling…
Climate change gardening: Trees you can plant to fight climate change
plant trees

It's become increasingly difficult to ignore the signs of climate change. As gardeners, we're especially sensitive to the changes in weather patterns. We're also a group of people who tend to care about our planet and are always looking for ways to give back to a home that gives us so much. So how can you do your part? Here's our guide on climate change gardening and the best trees to select for it.

Can planting trees fight climate change?
Short answer, yes. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and store it in the soil and in their trunks. This reduces the amount of carbon in the air and, in theory, would lower the impact of humanity's use of fossil fuels. According to NASA, we'd have to plant 900 million hectares (2.2 billion acres) of forest to reduce carbon in the air by 25 percent. This is a mind-boggling amount that might, at first, seem impossible. However, we don't need a few people to do everything; we need everyone to do something. So while world leaders argue about the best ways to go about saving Earth, we can start doing our part by planting trees in our yards, farms, land, and businesses.

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7 colorful spring plants that will beautify your fence line and give you privacy
Pink climbing roses

Whether you have an ugly fence, you want to cover up, or a pretty fence you wish to draw attention to, adding beautiful spring plants is the solution. You can bring attention to a cute white-painted fence or drama to an iron one with shorter plants. Install some lattice on that ugly fence and grow climbing plants to cover it up, so you never have to see it again! Here are the best plants for a fence line to either add to an already-cute fence or to cover up that ugly one!
1. Tulips
Bulb flowers that come back year after year, like tulips, are often the most show-stopping flowers in the spring. They have bright and bold colors that can't be ignored and would make a perfect addition to a fence line. Depending on the variety, they grow up to 2 feet tall, and most are hardy in zones 3 through 8.

Tulips come in every color except blue, so you're sure to find one that suits your aesthetic needs. They prefer full sun and only need watering after you plant them and when there's an extended dry spell.

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How to build a rock garden that will make your neighbors jealous
Beautiful rock garden

Low maintenance as it may be, a rock garden can be a daunting home project to pursue. You don’t need to stick with turf forever and always, though. If you’ve always wanted to design and implement a rock garden for your home, here’s what you need to know about installing and maintaining one.

Why would you want a rock garden?
While it may not be as plant-filled as a lush meadow garden, a rock garden can come with many benefits. While you need to make an initial investment of time and money, this type of garden can be beautiful and low-maintenance in the long run. No matter what weather you face, whether it’s dry and hot or cold and rainy, rocks will more or less look the same at the end of the day. And in contrast with a flower garden bed or a green turf, you won’t need to water your plants all the time. Most people will go with water-smart succulents or other easy-care native plants, as thirsty plants are not usually compatible with a rock garden.
General costs
Since rocks are so heavy to ship, it's cheapest to source them locally. You can usually find them at your local garden centers, but it's often more cost-effective to get them from a rockery. How much your rock garden costs will depend on how much space you plan to cover with rocks and what kind of landscaping rocks you want to use. Landscaping rock projects cost anywhere between $250 to $1,500 on average. Landscaping rocks themselves can cost anywhere between $45 to $350 per ton, and this estimate may not include delivery, either. Consider potentially free sources, such as construction sites or farmers who plow up rocks — always, of course, ask before taking anything! If you don’t put down the rocks yourself, remember to factor in labor costs when calculating a budget estimate.

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