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7 inground pool landscaping ideas that will make you the envy of the neighborhood

If you’re planning to put an inground pool on your property, then it’s likely that you’ve given some thought to pool landscaping. Maybe you’ve gone on a scrolling spree through photos on Pinterest or Instagram in search of landscaping ideas. You know, something that you hoped would jump out and grab your attention.

The best way to create a dreamy inground pool area is to focus on the space you have to work with, then decide on the shape of your pool and how landscaping can enhance the overall aesthetic you’d like to achieve.

With that said, let’s jump into the deep end of some genuinely rocking landscaping ideas for your inground pool.

Beautiful Pool Space With Winding Path
Photo by Nikolaj Erema/Pexels

Think about the upkeep

Some things to consider when planning the landscaping area are things that could potentially add to the upkeep. For example, you might think that having giant, flowering shade trees around your pool is a great way to keep the sun’s rays from becoming overwhelming during the day. However, you also have to keep in mind that flower petals and leaves are sure to drift into your pool.

The goal is to keep the area around your pool as low maintenance as possible. So, plan ahead. Consider the plants most likely to shed, and avoid using them in the area around your pool.

Evergreen is best

In the spirit of keeping things maintenance lite, remember that you do have a choice when it comes to trees. You can choose deciduous trees or evergreen. However, even though a Red Sunset Maple might look stunning, you’re going to have a great deal of pool sweeping, whereas with a Dwarf Alberta Spruce, not so much.

When deciding on the types of trees you want to use, it’s wise to know which are deciduous and evergreen in advance. Then, go with those that have leaves that aren’t going to shed all over the place. You can get great information about which types of trees are evergreen and native to your area by consulting with an arboretum, a local nursery, or a master gardener program.

Use decorative plants, too

Another consideration for landscaping is the overall mood you’re hoping to achieve. Are you looking to build a sweet little Mediterranean hideaway? No matter what feel you want your pool area to have, certain decorative plants can help you set the mood.

Things to keep in mind are how fast the decorative plants will grow and how large they’ll be at maturity. You’ll need that information when deciding how close to plant them to the pool. If you don’t pay attention to these factors, you could find yourself having to uproot the plants lest their roots break through the wall of the pool.

Consider a container garden

Another landscaping option is container gardening. Instead of planting around your pool, you can simply choose the types of plants that fit best with the aesthetic you desire. Then, place them in containers and set them strategically around your pool. Remember that the containers you choose for your plants can help add splashes of color and texture that you won’t get when planting in the ground.

Watch out for the thorns

This is a bit in keeping with maintenance, but it’s also about safety. When choosing the plants for your pool’s space, remember that you don’t want people in swimsuits getting pricked by thorns or spines and bleeding all over the place.

Some plants that are absolutely gorgeous to look at may not be the best choices for poolside. Examples of plants you should consider avoiding include rose bushes, blackberry bushes, Barberry, and pyracantha.

What smells nice?

It’s easy to create a space with plants that both look good and smell great. In fact, the aroma of your pool area can be a part of the area’s overall attractiveness. Think about using hanging vines or herbs like rosemary and peppermint. You’ll have the benefit of lovely smells without the potential stinging presence of bees.

Add color and texture

Remember how we mentioned using containers to add splashes of color and texture in your landscaping efforts? Well, depending on what you use to add those elements, you could transform your whole area into something totally out of this world.

While keeping in mind things such as maintenance and safety, you still want to choose a wide variety of plants, boulders, rocks, grass, and more. The idea is to engage all of your senses!

Swimming Pool With A Tropical Theme
Photo by Pixabay/Pexels

Summing up

Remember, choosing plants that are best for the feel and look you want can take time and research. When designing the landscape of your poolside, you don’t want to just slap down some hastily bought trees, plants, or whatever strikes your fancy at the moment.

Whether you are envisioning a pool area with a French, chic aesthetic and winding paths, or a delightful tropical oasis, you can create a beautiful poolside area where everyone wants to spend time if you take the above ideas into consideration.

Will Blesch
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Will Blesch is a copywriter, content writer, and someone passionate about anything that lets him discover more about this…
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