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Shovel in pile of dirt compost

Composting 101: When to add it to your garden

You may be wondering about adding compost to your garden. We discuss the most important things about the basics of composting.
Small green compost bin indoors

The benefits of composting and why it’s worth the effort

Composting on our own can have many benefits, as well as pros and cons. Here are some things to keep in mind when deciding if it's is right for you.
Two people with hands in large compost bin

Can you still compost through winter?

We have some simple tips to answer all your winter composting questions!
Hands covering the base of a sapling with mulch

Does organic mulch really make a difference in your garden?

From its benefits to what it is exactly, we’ll help you get the scoop on organic mulch and how it can benefit your plants.  
Two people with hands in large compost bin

How long it really takes to compost

Composting is a great way to reuse organic material from home, but it can be difficult to grasp a timeline of how long it takes to compost.
5 eco friendly ways to get rid of a dying bouquet flowers wilting

5 eco-friendly ways to get rid of a dying bouquet of flowers

Flowers are gifts that don't stop giving when they're wilting. Check out our guide or what to do with flowers when they're dying.
Bright and beautiful green garden in sunlight

Eco-friendly gardening tips for your green garden

Green gardening is becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Our comprehensive guide lists the many different ways to be green.