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These are the best exotic plants you can start growing right now

Houseplants are a great way to bring a little bit of nature into your home. They can help improve your mood and, sometimes, your air quality. If you’re looking for a new addition to your home, but want something a little more exotic, you’ve come to the right place! Here’s everything you need to know about growing exotic houseplants and a few recommendations for which ones to start with.

What to be aware of when growing exotic plants

The first, and arguably most important, thing to know is that exotic just means that it originates from somewhere else. Depending on where you live, different plants will be exotic for you and for your environment. A lot of very common houseplants, some of which you may already have, are actually exotic by definition! Spider plants, peace lilies, and aloe are all actually exotic. We just don’t think of them as such because we think of exotic as meaning rare, exciting, and unfamiliar, while those examples are all common and normal.

As with all plants, it’s important to know what your exotic houseplant needs. It may be native to a place that is very different from where you live, and will therefore need special attention or consideration to keep it happy and healthy. Don’t make assumptions about what your plant needs! Exotic doesn’t just mean tropical, and not all exotic plants need the same things.

Exotic plants are often better suited for houseplants for a couple of reasons. The first is that it might be incompatible with your home climate or soil. The second is that, if it is compatible, it could escape your garden and become invasive.

Close up of corkscrew albuca curled like a spring

Corkscrew albuca

Like the name suggests, the corkscrew albuca plant is very curly. It corkscrews and spirals up, and can grow up to a couple feet. Once a year, in late winter or early spring, it grows a flower spike that blooms in little green and yellow flowers. This plant is a native of South Africa and is fairly drought tolerant.

Care tips: Make sure you plant it in loose, sandy soil, not thick, earthy soil. Earthy soil will hold too much water and possibly constrict the roots. When you first plant it, water it well, but afterward you can let it dry out.

They need a decent amount of sun, especially if you want them to bloom. However, they don’t do well in the cold. If you have very cold winters, you may need to get a grow light and move them away from potentially drafty windows.

A large croton plant with red, yellow, and green leaves in a black pot against a wooden wall


Crotons are large, beautiful plants that will add color to any house. Their leaves can be a mix of different shades of green, yellow, and pink. They’re beautiful but also mildly dangerous. They’re poisonous, and when they’re cut or broken they produce a sap that is a skin irritant.

Care tips: Crotons can become very tall, so be sure their container won’t tip over. Place it somewhere sunny. They can tolerate some amount of shade, but they lose all their brilliant colors without sunlight. Crotons also like to be consistently moist but not soggy. You can, and should, let them dry between waterings, and use a potting mix that is well draining.

Purple passion plant

Purple passion plant is an interesting and uncommon plant, excellent for hanging baskets. The leaves are green but are covered in purple hairs. When the leaves are young, the hairs are close together and the color is intense, but as they grow the hairs are spread apart. This creates an interesting, shifting pattern, as parts of the plant are vivid purple while others are not –and sometimes the pattern will change depending on your angle.

Care tips: Purple passion plants are susceptible to root rot, so make sure not to overwater them. Planting them in well-draining soil will help. When watering, be sure to add water below the leaves to avoid leaf rot. They love bright, indirect light, which also helps their color brighten and stand out. Direct light, though, isn’t good for them and could burn the leaves if you aren’t careful.

Close up of purple passion plant leaves. The inside of the leaves are dark green, while the edges are violet
PRILL / Shutterstock

These plants do bloom, and the flowers are beautiful and orange. However, they smell really bad. Most gardeners cut the blooms off before they open to avoid the smell.

Now you know the basics about exotic plants and the three best plants to start with! If you’re interested in any of the exotic houseplants listed above—or exotic houseplants in general—but don’t know where to source them, we have you covered! Check out these five shops that are sure to have what you’re looking for.

These beautiful and unique plants will be sure to brighten your home and add some visual interest.

Cayla Leonard
Cayla Leonard is a writer from North Carolina who is passionate about plants.  She enjoys reading and writing fiction and…
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Planting caladium

You should plant your outdoor caladiums after the last frost of the year has passed, once the soil has begun to warm up. Indoor caladiums can be planted at any time, provided you can keep them warm. Plant your caladium in well-draining soil. Be sure the bulb is facing the right direction. Caladium bulbs will have eyes, similar to a potato that is sprouting. These eyes will be raised bumps, and they may already be sprouting slightly. The eyes should be facing up, as this is where the plant will grow from. Bury them so that the top of the bulbs are 1.5 to 2 inches deep.

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Your complete sago palm maintenance guide
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A small sago palm in a pot designed to resemble a wicker basket. It sits on a table of light wood, next to a bookshelf of the same wood. The wall behind it has a dacorative pink, blue, and white triangular pattern.

Sago palms may not be true palms, but they are just as gorgeous. However, with these subtropical houseplants, you won’t have the same kind of look offered by those tall trees. Instead, the green fronds grow directly from the trunk without branching out. Sago palm maintenance is fairly simple, relying mostly on proper growing conditions. Adding this lovely houseplant to your collection is an excellent way to bring the tropics to your home. If you want to grow your own today, this guide will explain everything you need to know to help it thrive!
Care requirements for your sago palm

Because they’re native to tropical regions, sago palms prefer to be in warm, humid environments. This is why, for the most part, they’re grown as houseplants outside of these areas. Sago palms grown indoors should be protected from any drafts or air flowing from heating and AC units as the extreme shift in temperature can cause damage.
Sago palms prefer bright, indirect lighting and shouldn’t be placed in direct sunlight. Direct lighting, especially on hot summer days, can cause sunburn damage and result in wilting leaves. As a houseplant, sago palms will favor east-, west-, and south-facing windows so long as they receive a lot of lighting throughout the day. Keep in mind that too much shade will also cause adverse effects, most noticeably spare foliage.
Like most houseplants, sago palms need only well-draining soil (and of course, a pot with a drainage hole for excess water to escape through)! There are potting mixes made specifically for palms grown in containers, and although the sago palm isn’t a true palm, this should do the trick.
As a tropical plant, sago palms prefer moderately moist soils. They can tolerate some drought, but not very well. Proper sago palm maintenance requires watering the plant whenever the soil is dry to touch; however, be mindful of how much you’re watering to avoid soggy soil and leaving your plant susceptible to root rot.
Diseases and pests to be aware of

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