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6 plants that will help purify the air in your home

Houseplants do so much for us. They brighten up our spaces, look fabulous in almost any style, and give our homes a bit of an outdoor greenhouse feel. And, like outdoor plants, they can produce small amounts of oxygen! There are some houseplants that remove toxins from the air during this process, which is especially helpful for indoor environments.

The Environmental Protection Agency notes that indoor spaces can sometimes be more polluted than cities due to factors like poor ventilation and high humidity levels. By adding some of these plants to your collection, you’ll be able to help lower the pollution in your home and help prevent any negative side effects caused by high levels of these toxins.

Chinese evergreen

Chinese evergreens are easy-to-care-for houseplants, especially because they’re well-known for being “hands off.” They’re slow-growing, causing little concern around whether or not it will outgrow the space you pick for it, and can be stable and long-lived when cared for properly. Aside from meeting the basic care needs for the Chinese evergreen, there’s one other thing you’ll need to keep in mind when growing one indoors: the lighter the variegation, the more light it needs. And this is true for a lot of plants! Because the variegations on plants contain less and less chlorophyll as they get lighter (with white being the lightest variegation), the plant will need more and more sunlight to thrive.

Well-cared-for Chinese evergreens can help filter certain toxins from the air, including benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.

Light needs: Bright, indirect light to partial shade
Soil needs: Well-draining, slightly acidic potting mix
Water needs: Likes regular waterings, moist soil

A cluster of three potted snake plants
Aquarius Studio / Shutterstock

Snake plant

Snake plants are a great option for beginner and expert gardeners alike. Smaller ones look fabulous on tabletops while a snake plant on the larger side makes for a great floor piece. Their leaves can grow anywhere from half a foot to eight feet tall, so you may find yourself keeping a snake plant around for a long time. They’re drought-resistant, able to go two to four months without water during the wintertime. These plants are relatively difficult to kill but do have a harder time in cold spaces, so be sure to keep them away from drafty rooms and windows.

Snake plants, when cared for properly, help filter certain toxins from the air, including benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene.

Light needs: Bright, indirect light with some direct sun
Soil needs: Loose, well-draining potting mix
Water needs: Let soil dry between waterings

Bamboo palm

Bamboo palms (surprisingly enough) are a palm from the Araceae and not actually bamboo. These low maintenance houseplants are native to tropical environments and as such prefer constant moisture. Bamboo palms don’t do well with under-watering but will reward you with beautiful foliage that brings a tropical atmosphere to any room.

Bamboo palms help filter certain toxins from the air, including ammonia, formaldehyde, toluene, and xylene.

Light needs: Bright, indirect lighting but can grow in any non-direct light condition, including low lighting
Soil needs: Well-draining, moist soil; peat moss or perlite can be added to standard mixes to create ideal soil mixture
Water needs: Moist but not soggy soil; sensitive to both over- and under-watering

Spider plant

Spider plants are some of the easiest and most popular houseplants out there. Because they’re quite hardy, they can tolerate a bit of neglect, which makes them great for beginner gardeners. Spider plants are self-propagating, growing runners from the parent plant that produce flowers and eventually plantlets. Spider plants have a somewhat cascading nature and are perfect plants for high shelves or hanging baskets, where the leaves and runners can hang downwards. And although they can grow in a variety of conditions, they do best when their native tropical environments are recreated as close as possible.

Spider plants help filter certain toxins from the air, including carbon monoxide, benzene, styrene, formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene.

Light needs: Bright, indirect sunlight
Soil needs: Loose, loamy soil with good drainage
Water needs: Likes regular waterings, moist soil

An English ivy in a hanging basket
ArtBackground / Shutterstock

English ivy

The English ivy, although vigorous and slightly invasive when grown outdoors, is actually quite finicky as a houseplant. And yet, it’s surprisingly common. Ivy are sensitive to the dry indoor air found in most heated and air-conditioned spaces, so it can be difficult to recreate their ideal environment. When grown well, though, they make beautiful vines that look fabulous in a hanging basket or trained along hooks on a wall. The trick to getting them big, strong, and healthy is to give them cool spaces at night and to keep their area humid, whether through misting, a humidifier, or trays of pebbles.

English ivy helps filter certain toxins from the air, including benzene, formaldehyde, toluene, and xylene.

Light needs: Bright, indirect light
Soil needs: Well-draining, loose potting mix
Water needs: Likes regular waterings; moist, humid conditions are ideal

Golden pothos

The golden pothos is another easy houseplant that’s perfect for beginners and experts, especially if you don’t always remember to water your plants. Like the ivy, the pothos is a trailing vine plant; however, it doesn’t have aerial roots to help it cling to hooks, walls, or shelves. If you want a pothos to be a decorative vine along the wall, you’ll have to give it a bit of assistance as it grows to make sure the plant has enough support. When grown in a good environment, pothos plants can grow anywhere from 12 to 18 inches in just one month. You should make sure to properly prune and trim your pothos, as vines left to their own devices can get tangled over time.

Golden pothos plants help filter certain toxins from the air, including benzene, formaldehyde, toluene, trichloroethylene, and xylene.

Light needs: Bright, indirect light but can tolerate low lighting
Soil needs: Well-draining indoor potting mix
Water needs: Let soil dry between waterings

On their own, each of these plants can help remove small amounts of toxins while producing oxygen. If you cultivate a houseplant collection containing quite a few plants that purify air, they’ll be able to work together to clean your space and keep your home feeling fresh.

Kiera Baron
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Kiera Baron is a freelance writer and editor, as well as a budding digital artist, based in Upstate NY. She is currently one…
Caldium care: A complete guide to this indoor/outdoor plant
Caring for your caladium plant
Close-up of caladium leaves that are mostly red with a little bit of white and green edges

There are many colorful foliage plants you can add to your home or garden, but caladium is a favorite of many gardeners. It's easy to grow both indoors and out, and its colorful leaves are incredibly cute. If you want to try growing this lovely tropical plant, then this is the guide for you. Whether you plan on growing it indoors in a container or outdoors in your garden, we’ll explain everything you need to know about caladium care.
Planting caladium

You should plant your outdoor caladiums after the last frost of the year has passed, once the soil has begun to warm up. Indoor caladiums can be planted at any time, provided you can keep them warm. Plant your caladium in well-draining soil. Be sure the bulb is facing the right direction. Caladium bulbs will have eyes, similar to a potato that is sprouting. These eyes will be raised bumps, and they may already be sprouting slightly. The eyes should be facing up, as this is where the plant will grow from. Bury them so that the top of the bulbs are 1.5 to 2 inches deep.

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6 incredible types of basil for your herb garden
Add a little variety to your garden with one or all of these basil types
Basil plant bathed in sunlight

Herbs are fun to grow and useful to have around, both for flavoring meals and for keeping certain pests away. Basil is one of the most popular herbs, and for good reason. This tasty herb is versatile and easy to grow, both indoors and out. Did you know there’s more than just one type of basil? If you’re planning your next herb garden, here are six types of basil you should consider including to add a little variety to your garden.
Sweet basil

Sweet basil, also called genovese basil, is the most common type of basil, but there’s a reason it’s the classic. Reliable and delicious, sweet basil gives you the basil flavor and look that you’re familiar with. If you’ve grown basil before, it was likely sweet basil. Place your sweet basil in full sun, with some light afternoon shade if it’s outdoors. Water it regularly to keep the plant fresh and healthy, and you can begin harvesting leaves in just a few weeks, as soon as the plant has four sets of leaves. Be sure to leave a few leaves on the plant so it can continue to grow.
Thai lemon basil

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Your complete sago palm maintenance guide
Grow a sago palm to add a tropical flair to your home
A small sago palm in a pot designed to resemble a wicker basket. It sits on a table of light wood, next to a bookshelf of the same wood. The wall behind it has a dacorative pink, blue, and white triangular pattern.

Sago palms may not be true palms, but they are just as gorgeous. However, with these subtropical houseplants, you won’t have the same kind of look offered by those tall trees. Instead, the green fronds grow directly from the trunk without branching out. Sago palm maintenance is fairly simple, relying mostly on proper growing conditions. Adding this lovely houseplant to your collection is an excellent way to bring the tropics to your home. If you want to grow your own today, this guide will explain everything you need to know to help it thrive!
Care requirements for your sago palm

Because they’re native to tropical regions, sago palms prefer to be in warm, humid environments. This is why, for the most part, they’re grown as houseplants outside of these areas. Sago palms grown indoors should be protected from any drafts or air flowing from heating and AC units as the extreme shift in temperature can cause damage.
Sago palms prefer bright, indirect lighting and shouldn’t be placed in direct sunlight. Direct lighting, especially on hot summer days, can cause sunburn damage and result in wilting leaves. As a houseplant, sago palms will favor east-, west-, and south-facing windows so long as they receive a lot of lighting throughout the day. Keep in mind that too much shade will also cause adverse effects, most noticeably spare foliage.
Like most houseplants, sago palms need only well-draining soil (and of course, a pot with a drainage hole for excess water to escape through)! There are potting mixes made specifically for palms grown in containers, and although the sago palm isn’t a true palm, this should do the trick.
As a tropical plant, sago palms prefer moderately moist soils. They can tolerate some drought, but not very well. Proper sago palm maintenance requires watering the plant whenever the soil is dry to touch; however, be mindful of how much you’re watering to avoid soggy soil and leaving your plant susceptible to root rot.
Diseases and pests to be aware of

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