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The best plants to help relieve stress and anxiety

Growing houseplants is one of the best hobbies for stress relief — simply watering and watching your plants grow can help you forget about your daily worries. Many plants actually help improve air quality by reducing toxins, which, in turn, can soothe anxiety. Some, such as lavender and peppermint, can also reduce stress by way of aromatherapy! If you’re looking to melt your stress and anxiety away, start your self-care journey by picking up a few of the following plants.

Snake plants on a table
Vitaliy Kyrychuk / Shutterstock

Snake plant

Breathe easy and keep headaches at bay with a snake plant! According to NASA’s clean air study, this plant can clear 107 toxins from the air, such as formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, toluene, and trichloroethylene. Besides keeping air fresh, the snake plant is also incredibly easy to maintain. Consisting of clusters of marbled “snakes,” it only needs to be watered when its soil dries out completely. It appreciates, but doesn’t necessarily always need, bright indirect light and liquid fertilizer.

Aloe vera

Prized for its anti-inflammatory properties, aloe vera is an incredibly versatile plant that can be used for everything from treating skin scrapes to cleaning toxins in the air. Keep it in the kitchen or bathroom, where most toxins are. This spiky succulent appreciates bright light and weekly waterings. When you take cuttings, remove one leaf at a time to keep your plant looking lush and healthy.

English ivy

While you certainly don’t want to consume it, English ivy has been shown to reduce levels of mold and fecal matter in addition to purifying the air — and clean air can help reduce anxiety! It’s a relatively easy plant to maintain, consisting of thick, lobed, glossy leaves that climb and trail for a gorgeous rustic look. Ivy thrives on bright light as well as slightly dry soil. As long as you have sufficient light, English ivy should be a prolific grower for you!

A field of lavender flowers
freya-photographer / Shutterstock


Lavender is calming to look at and smell, so it’s no wonder it’s in so many stress relief products. It contains an alcohol called linalool, which gives it its anti-depressant, muscle relaxing, mood lifting, and antioxidant properties. This shrubby perennial is also easy to grow, whether you keep it in a container or incorporate it into your garden landscape. It tolerates drought well and will yield vibrant blooms when you regularly feed it.

Areca palm

In addition to its foliage giving any space a tropical vibe, the areca palm is a natural air purifier. Plus, if you have pets, the areca palm is completely non-toxic, so you won’t have to worry about your dog or cat nibbling on its leaves. As long as you give it bright indirect light and keep its soil moderately moist, the areca palm should continue to thrive under your care!


Peppermint is beloved for boosting calmness and alertness — studies have linked it to decreased anxiety and fatigue. It has a compound called menthol, which is often used for relaxing muscles in bath products. In addition to promoting relaxation, peppermint is also easy to grow in a kitchen garden — as long as you give it enough water, it should continue to spread out. If you grow it outside, make sure to protect it from the heat, which can easily scorch peppermint leaves.

Peace lily
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Peace lily

Find peace with a gorgeous peace lily, which consists of dark green leaves with striking white spathes. This elegant plant is an excellent air purifier, removing acetone vapors and mold spores that can disrupt sleep. It’s relatively easy to maintain as well — all you need to do is keep its soil adequately moist (without overwatering) and give the foliage plenty of bright indirect light.


The pothos plant can filter out benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene to help purify your air. This trailing plant is also one of the easiest houseplants to maintain — you’ll enjoy the benefits of gardening without stressing over care requirements! The pothos will thrive with bright indirect light and weekly feedings during the growing season, but it will still push out leaves in low-light conditions and without fertilizer. Just make sure to water it when its soil dries out completely.

Adding greenery to your home or office can help you manage the stresses and anxieties of everyday life. Many anti-stress houseplants are also actually quite easygoing in terms of maintenance, so you can reap their anti-anxiety benefits without stressing over care requirements! From snake plants to peppermint, you’ll find plenty of easy-care plants that help reduce stress.

Stacey Nguyen
Stacey's work has appeared on sites such as POPSUGAR, HelloGiggles, Buzzfeed, The Balance, TripSavvy, and more. When she's…
How to care for air plants: A complete guide
Keep your air plants healthy with this guide
A potted air plant (tillandsia) sitting on a window sill

Across the internet, there are many interesting gardening trends, but few have lasted as long or become as popular as air plants. Whether they’re in terrariums, suspended from the ceiling, or kept in fancy mugs, air plants have a simple and elegant appearance that works well with many homes. Air plants are popular for their unique growth habits, but how do you grow them? This guide will answer all your questions about how to care for air plants, so you can add this delightful plant to your home without worry.
What are air plants?

Air plants are plants in the tillandsia genus, which is in the bromeliad family. They may look like succulents, but air plants are actually considered epiphytes, which are plants that don’t need soil to survive. Instead, their roots are used to hold on to a tree, log, rock, or other surface, and their leaves are covered in special cells that let them absorb water and nutrients. In addition to air plants, there are certain mosses, orchids, and ferns that are epiphytes. However, only tillandsia is usually referred to as an air plant.

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Monstera adansonii

There is a time in every plant lover's journey where they want to take the leap and invest in a plant that might not be beginner level but isn't going to break the bank if it dies on their first attempt. The monstera adansonii — also known as the Swiss cheese plant — is an ideal plant to test your growing abilities without putting too much money on the line. While they're often more expensive than pothos or ZZ plants, they are affordable plants with an exotic look. Let's dive into how to care for these lovely plants, so you don't end up with a crispy mess.

What is the Swiss cheese plant?
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10 beautiful dracaena plants to add to your houseplant collection
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A small potted dracaena marginata

Chances are you've encountered the dracaena plant at your local nursery. You've also probably noticed arching dracaenas feature some of the lushest growth patterns and variegation in the plant world. Whether they’re single-stemmed shrubs or trees, these plants make exquisite additions to any home or office. Plus, they’re pretty low-maintenance plants — all they need is indirect light and non-fluoridated water to thrive. Below, we've rounded up our favorite types of dracaena plants. Let's take a look.
1. Gold dust dracaena (Dracaena surculosa)

The beautiful gold dust dracaena features arching branches that push out lanced-shaped leaves with a dark green color and cream speckles. It grows relatively slowly and can handle neglect — that is, low-light conditions and periods of drought. That said, you’ll be rewarded with more variegation with bright indirect light.
2. Cornstalk plant (Dracaena deremensis)

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