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4 creative ways to use pumpkins once Halloween celebrations are over

Still have whole pumpkins from your Halloween festivities? You’re not alone. This autumn, you can definitely still find creative ways to use your leftover pumpkins. In addition to recycling your jack-o-lanterns, you can incorporate these spooky, ubiquitous gourds into your final days of fall fun. If you’re wondering what to do with pumpkins after October, keep reading ahead!

Harvest pumpkins
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Use seeds to replant them

One of the best uses of pumpkins is to, of course, grow more pumpkins! If you’re planning on cooking with pumpkins, don’t throw the seeds into the garbage or eat all of them just yet. Pop them into a colander, place them under running water, and remove as much of the pulp as possible. Dry them out on a paper towel for about a week, then store your seeds in an envelope for future use. To have a harvest ready for next Halloween, plant your seeds between late May and early July.

When you’re ready to plant pumpkins, make sure you give your plant deep waterings each week and six hours of direct sunlight every day — they need this sustenance to grow the fruit. Pumpkins really do best in zones 3 through 9, so you may have challenges with the cold and heat if you live outside of this range.

Preserve them

Of course, you can cook with pumpkins immediately to make soups and pies. But it’s also easy to preserve them so that you can keep incorporating pumpkin into your recipes throughout the fall and winter. Freezing is the easiest way to preserve pumpkins — cut up slices of pumpkin and save the seeds for planting and the pulp for composting (or other crafts and personal care activities, if you so desire). If you’re planning to freeze your pumpkins, bake cut slices for about half an hour at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. After, you can mash them down into a puree or just leave them whole before popping them into your freezer in plastic bags.

When you’re ready to use pumpkin for your soups and pies, defrost your slices in the refrigerator. In the freezer, your pumpkin should last a good four to five months. Other ways to preserve your pumpkins include turning pumpkin puree into fruit jerky with a dehydrator and pickling them with vinegar, sugar, and cinnamon for a tasty side dish with savory meals for your fall dinners.

Thanksgiving pumpkin
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Use them to decorate for Thanksgiving

Pumpkins work as decor well into late autumn, which includes all of your Thanksgiving festivities, too. You can line your pumpkins up on a dining table or a nightstand in a guest room. Arrange them in a basket or cornucopia with some dried (or fake) leaves and corn stalks for an extra autumnal vibe. You can decorate them with spray paint and paint pens as well, although this step is optional — the pumpkin by itself should be plenty festive. Some crafters even spray paint miniature pumpkins white and attach them together to craft snowmen, so pumpkins can really be versatile well into winter! In fact, the blog Pinecone Cottage Retreat has an entire tutorial devoted to creating a pumpkin snowman.

Create a pumpkin tureen for your autumn soup

Sure, there are many pumpkin uses in the culinary world, but what about making pumpkin part of your plating? Yes, you can create a pumpkin bowl for your hearty soups, just like those bread bowls for clam chowder! Find a pumpkin that’s at least eight inches in diameter and thoroughly wash the outside. Prepare it as though you’re cutting a jack-o-lantern for Halloween — minus the carving, of course. After removing the seeds and pulp, add your soup materials and pop your pumpkin on a baking tray in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for two hours or until the pumpkin feels tender. Check out a detailed recipe from Epicurious, here.

Even beyond the jack-o-lantern and pumpkin pie, pumpkin — and we really mean all of the pumpkin — can actually be a staple in the home, whether you’re eating it or decorating with it. It’s synonymous with fall, and it’s really no wonder why. At the end of autumn, clean and save your seeds for even more pumpkins to celebrate fall the following year!

Stacey Nguyen
Stacey's work has appeared on sites such as POPSUGAR, HelloGiggles, Buzzfeed, The Balance, TripSavvy, and more. When she's…
4 dried corn stalk decoration ideas for fall
Dried corn stalks

When you think of autumn, you may be envisioning pumpkins, sunflowers, cornucopias, and corn stalks — lots and lots of dried corn stalks! Corn is easily one of the staples of the autumn harvest, and its usefulness goes beyond the dinner table. Dried corn stalks make for great autumnal decor, and accessing them is relatively easy. If you’ve always wanted to try your hand at corn stalk decorations, keep reading ahead for some inspiration.

How to dry a corn stalk
Before you decorate with corn stalks, you need to dry them first. Luckily, getting your corn ready for decorating isn’t too difficult. After harvesting your corn, cut the stalks close to the ground and hang them upside down in a dry place—your garage works well for this. However, drying your corn stalks outside can help them achieve that bleached, golden-autumn color sooner, though you should be mindful of curious critters, such as squirrels, nibbling on them. You can also buy ready-to-go stalks at your local big box garden center, but this DIY endeavor can be a fun project to try out for yourself if you have the stalk part on hand, either from your own harvest or from your haul at the farmers market.
Decorating with dried corn stalks
The possibilities are endless when it comes to giving your space a bit of autumnal flair with some dried corn stalk. Using dried corn stalks makes the most of the corn plant so that you don’t need to go out of your way to buy fall decor—except for that great big pumpkin, of course! Ahead, we’ve gathered a few easy and low maintenance ways to go about making upcycled corn stalk decor.

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4 new features in iOS 15 you can use to boost your gardening routine
Phone with plants

There are tools to help with just about every aspect of gardening, from the most basic shovel to the highest tech gadgets. However, some of the newest gardening tools just might be on your phone; if you have an iPhone, that is. iOS 15 brings with it a host of useful updates that can make life easier for users, but you may be wondering how it can help you with your garden. While you might be able to find a use for many of the new features in your garden, we’ve found four in particular with a lot of potential.
The Focus feature is a handy tool to cut out distractions and, as the name suggests, focus. Essentially, it allows you to filter your notifications, choosing which apps can still notify you and which are stopped. You can even create multiple Focus listings with different names and notification settings, so you don’t need to worry about manually altering your permission list for recurring activities.

If you enjoy gardening without interruptions, then you may already see the benefit of Focus. Many gardeners use their time in the garden to relax and get away from some of the stress of day-to-day life. Nothing disturbs that peace quite like the ding, buzz, or light of a phone, and there’s nothing as frustrating as checking your phone only to find that the notification was something completely irrelevant. You can use Focus to reclaim that tranquility by setting up a Focus for gardening, filtering out the notifications you don’t need, and switching it on whenever you step out into your garden.

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What to do in the garden over the long Labor Day weekend
labor day garden chores jim stapleton rzpefluagb8 unsplash

As a long weekend approaches, we gardeners start to feel the itch for the opportunity. Usually, we have to sit at a desk and wait for the short weekends to dive into our gardens, but with a long weekend like Labor Day weekend, we can spend a whole extra day tending to our lovely gardens. With the laundry list of to-do's that you no doubt have for your garden, you might be wondering how to best spend your time this Labor Day weekend. Below, we've compiled a list of some of the most productive ways to spend your time in the garden during this "transition" period.
Transitioning into Fall
Towards the end of August, the temperatures start to cool down and it's time to start thinking about fall gardens. Labor Day weekend is an excellent opportunity to take the time to ease your garden into fall. This means you can dust off cooler weather tools like leave blowers. You might also remove hoses from spigots to avoid freezing, clean out the gutters, change air filters, and give your lawnmower a good check-up before it goes into hibernation.

Harvest, harvest, harvest
This is the time of year your hard work pays off. Veggies are ripening left and right, and you might feel overwhelmed with the amount of produce you've been able to grow. So a long weekend might be just the extra time you need to start harvesting and preserving. Take one day to harvest and prune your plants, then spend the next two days in the kitchen (it's too hot outside, anyway!) canning, baking, and freezing items you can't eat right away.
Show your compost some love
All summer long, you've been throwing kitchen scraps and plant cuttings into the compost pile, and you've likely not shown it too much affection since you've been too busy in the garden. Now's the time to turn your compost pile and maybe add some much-needed brown items into the mix. This will ensure you have healthy compost for next season's garden.
Start your fall garden
Speaking of next season, the summer growing season being over doesn't mean the end of growing altogether. Many of us take advantage of cooler weather to grow plants such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, chard, cabbage, beets, carrots, spinach, or lettuce. Labor Day weekend is an ideal time to pull out spent summer veggies and transplant or plant some of your fall crops.
Divide perennials
Perennials are amazing plants that keep coming back year after year, but that doesn't mean they don't need a little TLC every now and then. Maybe spend your long weekend tending to those perennial flowers that you love so much. This is an excellent time to divide plants that have gotten too big for space and maybe transplant those divisions into other areas of the garden. It's like free plants!

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