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7 ways to reuse your Halloween pumpkin so it doesn’t go to waste

From cooking to composting: Creative ways to put your pumpkins to use

Nothing can get you into the fall spirit liking going to your local farm and picking pumpkins. Adults love it, kids love it, and the farms love it, too! Unfortunately, what we don’t love is all the waste that happens once those lovely pumpkins aren’t needed as decoration anymore. Sadly, about 1.3 billion pounds of pumpkins end up in landfills across the United States. That’s an incredible amount of waste that could be used in so many ways, including food.

While pumpkins are only a tiny percentage of the national food waste crisis, you can do your part to reduce this waste by finding ways to reuse Halloween pumpkins instead of letting them rot in a landfill. So this year, instead of wasting your pumpkins, consider one of these ways you can reuse your jack-o’-lanterns.

Pumpkin soup
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Cook your pumpkins

Spend five minutes on Pinterest, and you’ll find plenty of recipes for cooking pumpkin, including this fantastic pumpkin soup or this unique pumpkin lasagna. There are also amazing pumpkin chili recipes that are perfect dinners or lunches during chilly weather. Just remember that most of these recipes call for pumpkin puree, and you have plenty of pumpkins to make your own to use for these recipes.

Pumpkin pie
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Bake your pumpkins

Yeah, we know, pumpkin pie is the obvious choice here, but it isn’t the only one. There’s also pumpkin bread with chocolate chips or pumpkin muffins you could share with the office. And once they’re gushing about how delicious they are, you can brag about how you made them with your pumpkin decorations! Then, everyone will be talking about how resourceful you are.

Pumpkin seeds
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Snack on your pumpkins

Who doesn’t want a snack around three in the afternoon? So why not include your pumpkins in snack time? Try out this method of roasting pumpkin seeds for a healthy snack between meals. Or you can go all the way and even use the rind to make pumpkin chips.

Mason jar
Brett Sayles / Pexels

Preserve your pumpkins

Okay, we get it, you might be pumpkin-ed out, and now you have friends and family and neighbors all giving you their pumpkins since you’ve been bragging about not letting your own go to waste. We have good news; you can preserve your pumpkins as well. You can make pumpkin pickles, or you can use that homemade pumpkin puree that you’ve perfected.

Farm homestead
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Donate your pumpkins

If you only like the look of pumpkins and not the flavor, there are other ways to ensure they don’t go to a landfill. Like donating them! Many zoos, farms, animal shelters, and community gardens will take donated pumpkins. Zoos and farms feed them to their livestock, and community gardens use them in their compost bins. You might even be able to find a neighbor with backyard chickens that will take the pumpkins off your hands. Chickens love pumpkins!

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Feed wildlife with your pumpkins

Speaking of feeding the animals, you can feed the wildlife in your own backyard too. Split open the pumpkins so the yummy and nutritious flesh is exposed, and place them around your yard. You’ll have lots of visitors come to take a bite. Animals such as birds, raccoons, and deer all love to snack on pumpkins. You could even invest in a trail camera to watch just how many animals enjoy the treat.

Gardeners adding compost to a plant
Gustavo Fring / Pexels

Compost your pumpkins

Lastly, if you have a small kitchen garden on your own, you can chop up your pumpkin and toss it into the compost pile, where it’ll break down and be a good source of food for your garden next year. To ensure they break down quickly enough, you’ll want to use a food processor to chop them up small. Pumpkins have thick skin that could otherwise take too long to break down. You’ll also want to be sure to remove the seeds, or else you might have volunteer pumpkin plants pop up!

What we’re trying to say is do anything with your leftover pumpkins, but please don’t throw them in the trash. There are innovative ways to use these great vegetables, even if you don’t want to eat them. At the very least, you can make a bunch of muffins or pies and donate them to shelters or food banks.

Rebecca Wolken
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Rebecca's has written for Bob Villa and a Cincinnati based remodeling company. When she's not writing about home remodeling…
Can’t use up all the produce from your harvest? Here are some ideas
piled up veggies

There is a time in almost every gardener's career where they end up with an abundance of produce. Whether it's tomatoes in August or potatoes in the fall, it can be overwhelming to figure out what to do with all that fresh food. After laboring over the garden all season long, the last thing you want to do is watch all that lovely food go to waste, but there are only so many cucumbers you can eat before getting sick of them! To help you reduce the amount of waste in your garden, here are some ways you can preserve, prolong, and share your garden bounty.

Preserving your harvest
The first and most obvious way to spare your veggies from the trash can is by preserving them, but there's more to preserving than just canning. You can pickle and ferment a lot of veggies in your garden as well. This not only gives you more options but also more variety in flavors.
Canning the produce from your garden has become increasingly popular as backyard gardens are making a comeback. It's a great way to save extra food and then have fresh home-grown produce even in the dead of winter. Just remember that canning is a cooking process, and your softer or overripe produce might turn to mush in the process, so it's best to stick with more firm or less ripe options when you can.
Pickling isn't just for cucumbers, and it doesn't always have to be done with dill either. You can pickle just about anything, including onions, beets, radishes, carrots, green beans, peppers, and much more. You can add whatever spices you like as well, like garlic, thyme, cumin, red pepper flakes, and any other seasoning from your garden or pantry. Pickling can be done in a similar process to canning or in the refrigerator. Make up a few jars of pickles, leave them in the fridge for a week, and they are ready to eat. Or you can pickle them, can them, and have them last much longer in your pantry.
Although it's less popular than pickling or canning, fermenting is a fantastic way to use up a lot of produce. Fermented foods are excellent for gut health and make good side dishes, toppings, or snacks. You might think of fermented foods as just sauerkraut, but you can ferment lots of other veggies. Things like yogurt, kimchi, kombucha, and sourdough bread are also versions of fermenting. So save your veggies and your gut and try your hand at fermentation.
Bulk batches
Everyone loves a good Costco run where we bulk buy items we use all the time. You can do the same thing with your own produce! Many foods can be made ahead of time and saved in the freezer for months. There are many recipes out there for these types of meals, but here are some of our favorite ways to use up that fresh produce.
You've probably heard of zucchini bread, and while chocolate chip zucchini bread is delicious, it can sometimes go bad before you finish the loaf. Muffins are ideal for using up a lot of zucchinis (you can throw some carrots in there too), and you can freeze them individually and only take out a few at a time. This way, the others stay fresh, and nothing goes to waste. Of course, you can also use this same technique for carrot cake or any other baked good.
With an excess amount of potatoes, you might want to try your hand at fritters. These, too, can be frozen individually and taken out one at a time. They make great snacks or sides to eggs and bacon. Of course, you can toss in a lot of other veggies you might have an abundance of as well.
Watch any old movie with a homesteading family, and you'll likely see them eating soup for almost every meal. Soups and stews are easy and delicious ways to use up a lot of food while still creating something healthy and tasty. Soups also freeze well and can be thawed and heated up for a quick and easy dinner. Try your hand at carrot soup, beet soup, potato soup, vegetable stew, and mushroom soup——we'll stop there because there's no shortage of soup recipes you can try out.
Kind of like soup but with less liquid, casseroles are cheap and easy meals that parents around the globe have been using to fill little bellies for years. You can use anything under the sun in a casserole and it will come out delicious. If you also care for chickens and have an overwhelming amount of eggs, you can try a breakfast casserole to use up your eggs and your veggies. It's a win-win!

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6 eco-friendly halloween decorations straight from your garden
Tiny pumpkins

It's the most spooky time of year and many of us have been eagerly awaiting its arrival. Halloween is a fun time for kids and parents alike, but some of those traditional decorations aren't good for the environment or your wallet. So this year, why not try some eco-friendly Halloween decorations that you can make with items straight from your garden! The best part about these decorations is they're grown and made with love, and they're a great way to get kids involved in decorating.
DIY wreaths from your garden
Buying a quality wreath from a florist or art supply store can get pretty expensive. While those options are beautiful, they are often made with plastic, fake flowers, and materials that could be harmful to animals if ingested. Instead, try making your own wreath from flowers and plants within your own garden. It not only means more when you make it yourself, but you're also extending the life of those flowers by using them after they've die off. Dried flowers might need to be dead-headed in the garden, but you can tie them up with other plants and ornaments to make a fantastic DIY wreath. Check out some of these wreath ideas from CountryLiving.

Spooky flower arrangements
Similar to making your own wreaths, it can be just as fun to make spooky flower arrangements with flowers from your garden. These can be black hollyhocks, dead and dried sunflowers, or even the blooms off veggie plants that you've let go to seed. You can use some of these arrangements as inspiration and maybe tie in some fake spiders to really make it spooky!
Table centerpieces you grew yourself
You, of course, can use the spooky flower arrangement as a table centerpiece, but if you're someone who loves little gourds, you'll be excited to know you can grow those yourself and fill your table with your own gnarly and warty gourds. These are quite an expensive investment at farmers' markets, but you can save some money by planting them yourself. This just requires some planning ahead of time in the summer. To add some layers and depth to your table centerpieces, go foraging for pine cones at a local park or the woods behind your house. Not only will they look great, but they'll also make your home smell amazing!
Homegrown, carved pumpkins
It's a fun tradition to take the kids to a pumpkin patch to pick out their own pumpkins for carving. What's even more fun is planting the seeds together in the summer, watching those tremendous little plants grow, then picking their favorite pumpkins when the spooky season rolls around. When guests come by, the kids will be so excited to tell the whole story about their special pumpkin, and you'll get to save some money. Here are some fun and unique ways to carve and decorate pumpkins for your home.

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5 ways you and your family can celebrate Earth Day
Child watering plants

As gardeners, we believe every day should be Earth Day, but we're always excited for the opportunity to think about our impact on the planet every April 22. It's a great way to remind ourselves of the affect we have on our world, how our gardens fit into the larger ecosystems of our communities, and how each decision we make at home can make a big difference.

From planting trees to upcycling old items, there are plenty of ways out there to show the planet a little love this Earth Day. We've put together our favorite ways to celebrate that the whole family can enjoy.

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