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The best little flowers to grow when you’re low on space – plant these this spring

Grow these little flowers for a small but beautiful garden

Many people dream of large, sprawling gardens bursting with flowers. However, that type of garden isn’t right for everyone. Whether you’re short of space, prefer smaller flowers, or just need some little flowers to mix with your larger ones, we’ve compiled four of the best cute flowers that stay small. Plant these flowers to maximize beauty while minimizing space.

Forget-me-not flowers
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Forget-me-nots, also known as scorpion grass, are sweet little flowers. They’re classically pale blue, but can also be light pink or white. These flowers typically only grow to heights of around 5 inches and can grow in small clumps for a more full appearance. They prefer moist, well-draining soil, but can develop mildew if the soil becomes waterlogged.

A lily of the valley
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Lily of the valley

Lily of the valley is a slightly taller plant, but is still quite small and has thin stems. Reaching heights of 6 to 12 inches tall, this flower prefers morning sun, light shade, and slightly moist soil. Lily of the valley spreads horizontally through underground rhizomes, and some varieties can spread quickly. If it fills your flower pot, you can gently divide it into multiple plants, which make great gifts. Alternatively, you can clip some of the excess stems to place in a vase or for use in a bouquet.

White candytuft flowers
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Candytuft is a lovely white flower with dark green leaves. It typically only grows 6 to 8 inches tall, but it does have a spread of 1 to 2.5 feet. This spread is smaller when grown in containers, but it will fill a pot. Candytuft often drapes over the sides of its container, creating a beautiful waterfall-like effect. Planting your candytuft along the top of a wall can create the same cascading effect. For the best results, use well-draining soil and keep your candytuft in full sun.

Pink fairy foxglove flowers
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Fairy foxglove

Fairy foxglove, or alpine balm, isn’t actually related to foxglove. This small European wildflower is hardy and extremely easy to grow. Native to rocky mountain slopes, it will even grow in sidewalk cracks! Simply plant this little flower in moderately dry soil and place it in a sunny area. Fairy foxglove only grows 3 to 6 inches tall, so it’s a perfect desk plant.

A close-up of mint plants
Abby Boggier / Unsplash

Plants to avoid

Some plants are large enough that it’s easy to avoid them. Most trees and shrubs, for example, as well as plants like sunflowers and Brussels sprouts. However, plants that spread can quickly get out of control without you even realizing it. Mint, ivy, and blackberries are small at first, but can easily take over a space if left unattended. If you plan on growing one of these plants, regular pruning can help keep them small.

Whether you plan on growing a single plant in a pot or creating a tiny garden outdoors this spring, these four flowers are the perfect starting place. They’re easy to grow, so even beginners can care for them without issue. This makes these flowers a great choice for practically any gardener!

Cayla Leonard
Cayla Leonard is a writer from North Carolina who is passionate about plants.  She enjoys reading and writing fiction and…
If you want a garden that blooms year-round, plant these flowers
Here's how to strategically map out your garden for blooms throughout the year
Blooming perennial flower garden along a walkway

If you love gardening and appreciate flowers in spring and summer, why not grow a four-season garden? It's possible to have a bright, colorful landscape throughout the year if you plan for it. Plant selection is the key. By choosing a diverse collection of shrubs, perennials, trees, and annuals that bloom in different seasons, you can map out a garden with year-round flowers. Let’s get started.
Finding flowers for a year-round garden

Observe your garden
Before buying anything, get to know your garden’s growing conditions, starting with your climate zone. Also, observe to understand its lighting. Where is it shady in the afternoon? Which parts get hot sunshine all day? Do you have spots that get little or no direct sunlight? Keep in mind, too, that the sunlight changes throughout the year with the rise and fall of the sun’s angle. Plus, you should take into account how leaves grow and fall from deciduous trees.
Mix it up
In order to cover all the seasons, you’ll need to choose a diverse selection of flora from different plant categories. Some of the best flowers for late winter and early spring come from trees, shrubs, and bulbs. In spring, summer, and fall, flowers abound among annuals and perennials. Winter flowers, not uncommon in mild climates, are rare for northern gardeners. Colorful fruits and foliage can help to fill the void.
Invest in native and perennial plants
Annuals can be attractive additions to your garden, but they usually won't last for more than one growing season. If you want to cut back on the time you spend planting, consider investing in native and perennial plants, which should come back every year in your garden. Because they naturally come from your area, native plants feature the added benefit of providing food and shelter to native wildlife creatures, such as birds. To find native plants, you can use tools like the Native Plant Finder or ask your local nursery if they carry any native plants. Many nurseries will also have an entire section dedicated to perennials for their local region.
Beyond flowers
A garden’s appeal goes beyond flowers. Plants offer a host of other interesting elements, like foliage color and texture, varying sizes and forms, interesting branch structure, motion in the wind, attraction to wildlife, and scents associated with flowers and foliage.
Get inspired
Look for inspiration in public gardens, parks, and garden centers. If you see an interesting plant around town, snap a pic and take it to your local garden center for help with identification. Be sure your photos are in focus and show details such as the overall plant size and shape. Your local nurseries may have it on hand, or they might be able to order it for you.
Suggestions for flowers throughout the year

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A pair of purple anemone flowers

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Planting anemone flowers

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