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Gardening 101: The difference between blood meal vs. bonemeal

When to use and how to apply blood meal and bonemeal

It might sound like blood meal and bonemeal are ingredients a witch would use to make a potion for someone they don’t like, but they’re actually fantastic tools for gardeners. If you’re looking for more assets you can use in the garden, read on to find out how the use of both blood meal and bonemeal might help you grow bigger, healthier, and more productive plants in an all-natural and organic way.

Gardener tending to the garden
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blood meal vs. bonemeal – the difference

Blood meal is dried and powdered animal blood and bonemeal is ground animal bones. Both are great options for adding nutrients back into the soil, and they’re both considered all-natural and organic. However, they obviously contain animal products, so if you’re not okay with that, these are options you’ll want to pass on. If you are okay with that, the good news is these are recycled products used from slaughterhouses. Not only are you introducing organic materials into your garden and avoiding potentially harmful chemicals, but you’re also helping reduce the amount of waste slaughterhouses create.

Besides what parts of the animal they’re made of, the most significant difference between blood meal and bonemeal are what nutrients they add back into the soil. As we gardeners know, the soil is the most crucial aspect of growing healthy and productive plants. So before you go adding bonemeal or blood meal to your soil, be sure to perform a soil test to see what it may or may not be missing.

Blood meal fertilizer
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When to use blood meal

Blood meal increases the soil’s nitrogen level. Nitrogen is essential to plant growth and is a vital aspect of the photosynthesis process that plants go through. Without enough nitrogen, your plants are likely to wither and die. However, too much nitrogen can be toxic to plants, which is why it’s important to always test your soil before adding any amendments.

If you’ve had your soil tested and it shows low amounts of nitrogen, you can use blood meal to help fix that. However, blood meal is a slow-releasing fertilizer and doesn’t help out a plant in dire need of nitrogen. It’s best to add this to a garden bed before winter to allow the nutrients to release slowly into the soil and be better prepared for the next season. If you add it to the top of your soil, it’s safer than other fertilizers since it won’t burn your plants.

Healthy soil
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When to use bonemeal

Bonemeal adds calcium and phosphorus back into the soil along with small amounts of magnesium, iron, and zinc, all of which are vital to a plant’s health. Calcium helps plants grow stronger. It provides structural support to the cell walls and will allow the plant to grow taller and resist winds. Phosphorus might be the most essential element in plant growth and is found in every living plant cell. It’s involved with energy transfer, photosynthesis, nutrition movement, the genetic characteristics from one generation to the next, and the transformation of sugars and starches. So if your soil test has come back showing low amounts of phosphorus, you’ll want to get your hands on a bag of bonemeal.

While blood meal is a slow-releasing fertilizer, bonemeal comes in two forms. First, there’s a granular bonemeal option that acts similar to blood meal in that it’s slow releasing and a great option if you’re adding it to the top of the soil and allowing it to slowly supply the plants with a steady amount of nutrients. However, if your plants are in desperate need of phosphorus or calcium, you can use the powdered form of bonemeal that can be dissolved in water and will quickly supply your plants with what they need.

While these organic fertilizers have somewhat scary names, they’re great ways to recycle material that would otherwise go to waste and all-natural solutions to nutrient deficiencies in your garden soil. Just be sure to use a soil test before adding anything to your soil to avoid adding too much of something. Next time your plants need a bit of a boost, think about trying out blood meal or bonemeal.

Rebecca Wolken
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Rebecca's has written for Bob Villa and a Cincinnati based remodeling company. When she's not writing about home remodeling…
Gardening 101: How to care for the ornamental perennial, astilbes
pink astilbes plants

It can be challenging to find a plant that's perfect for that shady spot in your garden, especially when you're looking for something with a bloom. Well, look no further; the astilbes plant is a beautiful, shade-loving plant that blooms show-stopping, fern-like flowers. To ensure you know how to care for this plant and help it grow and thrive for years to come, we've created this guide to caring for the astilbes plant.

What is the astilbes plant?
Also known as false goatsbeard, the astilbes plants are a wide range of flowering plants that vary in color, height, and bloom shape. No matter what you're looking for, there's likely an astilbes variety for you. The bloom colors range from white to a dark purple with pinks and lavenders in between. The flowers could be a few inches or even a few feet tall; of course, this depends on the variety you plant, which you'll want to look into before purchasing to ensure it will fit into the garden and space you have planned for it.

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What is leaf mold and how can it benefit your garden?
Red leaves on a tree branch

When the leaves begin falling and the weather turns cooler, there are a few common issues gardeners face. You’ll need to keep any perennials in your garden warm, deal with excess leaves in your yard, and maybe even give your soil a nutrient boost to prepare it for spring. If this seems like too many tasks for your liking, you might be interested to learn about leaf mold, a clever way to take care of all those things at once. Not sure what leaf mold is, or how to get started? Don’t worry, we have all the answers you need.
What is leaf mold?
Leaf mold is a specific type of leaf mulch that has been partially composted. As the name suggests, it's made from fallen leaves. Unlike regular leaf mulch, which uses whole or shredded leaves while they're still fresh, leaf mulch is made from leaves that have already partially decomposed. Although leaves can (and in many cases should) be added to compost, leaf mold is also distinct from compost. Leaf mold is entirely or mostly leaves, whereas compost is typically a mixture of leaves and other organic matter. Although the name can be off-putting, the process is simple and natural. You don’t need to worry about mushroom cultivation or introducing harmful fungi into your garden.

How is leaf mold used?
Although leaf mold is different from regular leaf mulch, it's still a type of mulch and can be used in the same way you would use any other mulch. You can spread a layer, one to three inches thick, over the top of your garden soil. If you have plants that have thin or sensitive stems, or plants that are prone to fungal infections, you should leave some space between the stem and the layer of leaf mold. This is because leaf mold absorbs water, which, when pressed against sensitive stems for a long period of time, can cause abrasions or wet spots on the stem.

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Gardening 101: How to grow and care for pumpkins
Medium-size pumpkin growing on a vine

Fresh fall pumpkins are a treat like no other, and few things are better than an October trip to a pumpkin patch. Except, maybe, having your very own pumpkin patch in your garden! Whether you’re a big fan of pumpkin pie, have plans for an intricate jack-o-lantern display, or just enjoy the aesthetics of a pumpkin patch, you can achieve all your pumpkin-themed dreams. Here is everything you need to know about growing, caring, and harvesting pumpkins.
When and how to plant pumpkins
Start your pumpkins in early summer, especially if you’re starting from seeds and not seedlings. Pumpkins need warm soil, with lots of organic matter and a neutral or slightly acidic pH. Pumpkin vines grow quite long, so be sure you have plenty of room. If you want to conserve some space you can plant your pumpkins in mounds, roughly three feet across, which the vines can grow over before spreading out.

Mounds also warm more quickly in the sun and help prevent water buildup in the soil. Plant your pumpkins in full sun. Although some varieties are more tolerant of shade than others, full sun allows the pumpkin vines to reach their full potential. Too much shade leads to a smaller plant overall, with fewer pumpkins.

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