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Nutrition & Care

Quaking aspen trees

Quaking aspens are tall, beautiful, and easier to care for than you might expect

Looking for a gorgeous native tree to add to your yard? Quaking aspens might be just what you need!
Tall purple liatris (blazing star) with butterflies

Blazing stars will fill your summer garden with color: A liatris care guide

Liatris is a great addition to summer flower gardens. Here's how to get started growing your own.
Hydrangeas with blue flowers

Take advantage of hydrangeas’ color-changing quirk – how to get beautiful blue hydrangeas

Turn your hydrangeas blue by making your soil more acidic. Not sure how? Start here.
A black and blue butterfly on a Texas sage shrub

Texas sage: This colorful shrub can withstand almost anything

Texas sage is resilient and beautiful. This is how to grow it yourself.
Light orange kalanchoe blossfeldiana flowers

Could Kalanchoe blossfeldiana be the perfect addition to your outdoor succulent garden? Here’s how to grow it

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana is a stunning and popular houseplant, but did you know it can grow outdoors? Here's what you need to know.
Purple allium blooms

Your guide to growing the gorgeous ornamental allium flower – yes, it’s related to onions

Ornamental alliums repel pests and add structure to a garden — here's your guide on how to care for them.
A ripe loofah gourd on a vine

Loofah plants are unique and interesting vegetables – here’s how to add them to your garden

Looking for something unique to add to your summer vegetable garden? Try growing loofahs!
Raised garden beds

Why do gardeners use raised beds? Here are reasons why you should grow crops and flowers in raised gardens

Instead of growing your plants in the ground or in small containers, try a raised bed as a practical alternative.
Vanilla flowers

Growing your own vanilla plant doesn’t need to be difficult: Here’s what you need to know

Here's everything you need to know about planting, caring for, and harvesting vanilla at home.
A tall privacy hedge beside a garden path with two smaller round hedges

What you need to know about growing hedges for privacy

Privacy is important. Here's how to grow hedges to protect yours.
Four cacao pods hanging from a tree

Growing cocoa plants in the U.S. is difficult (but not impossible): What we know

Are you interested in growing a cacao tree for delicious homemade chocolate? Here's what you need to know
A succulent planted in a silver mug next to a pile of coffee grounds and coffee beans with a spoon on top

3 incredible reasons why you should be using coffee grounds in your garden

Find out how coffee grounds benefit your garden and why you should start using them in your soil.
A garden of flowers and trees

Tired of pesky weeds ruining your garden? Plant living mulch instead!

Weeding by hand can be exhausting. Why not grow living mulch instead?
Young plants growing under a row cover

A complete guide to winter gardening with row covers

Gardening with row covers is a great way to extend your gardening season during the wintertime. Here's how to use them.
Spider plant on a table

Make sure your spider plant thrives – starting with the soil

Not sure where to start when it comes to making a soil blend for a spider plant? Here's what you need to know.
Fiddle-leaf fig beside stairs

Fiddle-leaf fig care in winter: What to do about those brown spots?

Fiddle-leaf fig trees are beautiful — and a little high-maintenance. For several possible reasons, their leaves can develop brown spots. Here's how to treat them.
Squirrel eating a peach from a tree

What you need to know about electric garden fences

Electric garden fences can help keep vermin out, but there's a lot you may not know about them. Here are the details.
Palm tree on a beach

What you need to know about palm tree care and maintenance

If you want to add tropical vibes to your landscape, here's everything you need to know about caring for palm trees.
Cupped hands holding soil and little seedling

How to test your new home’s soil to ensure outdoor plants will thrive

Soil testing is important before you start planting and doubly so when you've just moved. Here's how to do it

How to get rid of thrips on houseplants

Houseplants or outdoor gardens can become infested with thrips. Here are some natural ways to get rid of them without using harmful insecticides.
gloved hands planting a tomato plant

What you need to know about using blood meal for plants

Interested in using blood meal for plants in your garden but don't know where to start? We have you covered here.
Person tending seedlings in soil

Want to know what organic matter does in gardening soil? Here’s the scoop

Get to understand what organic matter does in soil by reading all the details here.
Gardener pulling weed

Weeding 101: How to weed your garden naturally – no chemicals or herbicides

Learn how to weed your garden naturally. Get down and dirty and eliminate weeds with your hands and garden tools.
Amaryllis flower close-up

Tips for keeping your amaryllis thriving all year indoors

Amaryllis plants can live all year. Here's how to make sure they keep flourishing.
Pruning a plant

Pruning 101: 5 pruning blunders to avoid this spring

When you're pruning your plants this spring, be sure to avoid these blunders.
Plants on a patio

Moving your indoor plants outdoors for the summer? What you need to know

A complete guide to moving your indoor plants outside for the summer.
Person pruning lilacs

As spring turns to summer, add these plants to your pruning list

Check out this list of the plants you need to prune come late spring, to keep your garden in tiptop shape.
Hands scooping soil out of a flower pot

Knock out bugs, diseases, and more – Top tips for sterilizing potting soil

You may need to sterilize your potting soil to remove bugs, diseases, and more. Here are top ways to do it.
Holding carrots

Importance of crop rotation: The top 5 benefits of rotating your crops

If you grow crops, it's important to practice crop rotation. Learn why here.
Pomegranate tree with ripening fruit

This is the best fertilizer for your pomegranate trees

Pomegranate trees need special care — these are the best types of fertilizers.
Materials for a spring garden

Our best tips and the dumbest mistakes to avoid when planning your spring garden

A guide on what to do and what not to do when planning your spring garden
Sprigs of harvested lavender

Keep your lavender smelling sweet and floral by pruning it this spring

How to prune your lavender this spring to keep it fragrant and floral
Yellow boots, metal garden tools, green gloves, and a metal watering can in a flower bed next to a wooden garden path

Follow this guide to make sure your garden is prepared for spring

What you should be doing to make sure your garden is prepared for the spring
Metal gardening tools, gardening gloves, and several colorful flowers arranged on a patch of soil

4 essential gardening tasks you should make sure to do this spring

The 4 essential gardening tasks you should make sure to do this spring
A close up of a person's cupped hand, full of coffee grounds with a small plant growing in it

Make sure your garden is clean and ready to go by following this guide

Follow this guide to make sure your garden is prepped and clean for spring